Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Michigan Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument

This is located in the Campus Martius Park in Detroit. It is at the opposite end from the Compuware Building. It was built in 1872 as a momument to the Michigan Soldiers and Sailors that gave their life in the Civil War.

The Monument was created by Randolph Rogers with funds collected voluntarily from the citizens of the state. There are figures at each part of the statue that represent cavalry, infantry, artillery and the Navy. At the top of the statue is the historic Indian warrior Michigan or Victory. In 2005, the monument was re-dedicated as the park was restored and the contents of the time capsule in the monument was read.

Nearby this statue is also the Spirit of Detroit (another entry at some point).

This is the figure representing artillery.


The Navy

The statue at the top.

An Overview of the Monument.

1 comment:

  1. Yep easier than politics.Michigan is a beautiful subject.
