Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Random Ann Arbor Pictures

After raining all day, it turned out to be a nice evening, so I decided to take myself and the Canon over to Ann Arbor. Sadly, it was getting close to sunset so I didn't have too much time for too many pictures but I got enough.

I ended up parking at the top of the parking structure and was treated to this view of the Bell Tower. I thought it ended up being a pretty decent shot.

This is the interior of Nickel's Arcade which is sort of a mall that's been around since the 1910's. It is mostly upper scale shops. With better lighting, some of the shops will be part of a photoshoot.

This is the West Engineering building which is at the South Eastern part of the Diag. I love the cupolas at the top. The arch itself is pretty cool too.

A closeup shot of one of the cupolas.

Looking west on S. University.

I had a burrito at Panchero's. As I was finishing my dinner, I looked up and noticed the reflections of the ceiling decorations on the window. So I decided to snap this shot.

This is the Block M at the center of the Diag. Legend has it that you are not supposed to step on the M. Back when I was in school, I played a game that was called a MUD (which is a text advernture type game but multi-user) which was set in Ann Arbor. If you stepped on this M, the Boogeyman would appear.

Just off to the side of the Diag is a greenhouse. This was done in the frosting on the windows and with the light, I thought it looked pretty cool.

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