Thursday, May 21, 2009

Random Ann Arbor Pictures....

Wow...100 posts. I didn't think I would reach this point but I have. Hope that you've enjoyed so far. Anyways, it was a nice night so I decided to take me and my camera to Ann Arbor (again....). So I wandered around a bit after eating dinner.

One of my favorite painters is Richard Estes and one of the posters hanging on my wall is a painting where you see a window and the reflections. This is an attempt at that.

The U of M Bell Tower.

Not sure what building this is, but it's pretty neat, as is the fountain in front of it. (note: Someone pointed out this is the Michigan League Building.)

The Bell Tower getting set off against the darkening sky.

Detail of the fountain. Pretty cool fish.

Another shot of the fountain.

Another shot at a reflective picture. I like this one a little better because there's alot more going on in the background.

Another attempt at Nighthawks. This time with a sushi place. Sadly noone was sitting at the bar.

A shot of the Michigan Theater. It's a restored theater from the 20's and they show arthouse and old films. They have a really cool organ from the silent movie days. They recently redid this sign.


  1. I like the Borders/Michigan Theatre reflection one.

  2. well done sir. those are great images.

  3. ps---
    the mystery building with the fountain is the Michigan League. Once the women's only "equivalent" of The Michigan Union.
