Wednesday, May 20, 2009

U of M Law School - Library et al...

More pictures from the Law School. Mostly of the Library but there are some of the other buildings here. It is a very nice looking set of buildings. Probably the nicest on campus.

This is the front entrance to the Law Library.

This is the stained glass window at the west end of the building. This has various University seals.

One of the stained glass windows along the walls.

Stained glass seals from the Military and Naval Academies.

The Stained Glass at the East End of the Building.

The University of Michigan seal.

The State of Michigan Seal.

An overall shot of the library. I love this room.

A shot of the outside of the Law Library.

One of the arches leading into the Law School.

Another arch and a framing of the Law Library entrance.

An arch on another part of the Law School.

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