Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Mackinaw Bridge

If you haven't figured it out yet, I love to go up to the Upper Pennisula. I love the looks of the Mackinaw Bridge, so I will always stop to snap some pictures.

This is a shot from over by the McGulpin Point Lighthouse. It makes for a really nice shot of the bridge and you can pretty much see it's whole span. And it takes on a delicate appearance from a distance.

A shot of the seagulls in essence.

A closer shot from that spot.

This time my mom drove, so I was able to get some pictures as we were going over.

Another shot.

A shot looking up as we were passing. I had the camera firmly strapped to my hand as I was doing this.

This is the toll booth as you head up.

This is an almost night shot from the St. Ignace side.

A night shot from the Mackinaw City side. It looks really nice all lit up like this.

Another shot.

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