Wednesday, June 10, 2009

One Woodward Avenue - Detroit, MI

This building is at the corner of Woodward and Jefferson. It next to the Guardian Building and across the street from the Coleman A. Young Building. The building was designed by Yamoru Yamasaki who used it to formulate his designs for the World Trade Center. The building is 28 stories. The cube at the top is colored by lights for different holidays. It was built in 1962.

This is looking at the building from Campus Martius (sort of). The Guardian Building is to the right.

This is looking at the building from Hart Plaza.

This is also looking at it from Hart Plaza (pretty close to the fountain if I remember correctly).

Looking up at the building.

The statue is called Passo di Danza (step of dance) and it was created by Giacomo Manzu.

Looking out towards the Ren Cen.

You can see a reflection of the "Transcending" sculpture in Hart Plaza.

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