Sunday, June 14, 2009

Self Important Bitch

As I was heading to the botanical gardens, this bitch decided to pull right out in front of me. There was nobody behind me. The sad part is that she dawdled long enough that if she had pulled out at first, I wouldn't have had to hit my brakes. Turns out, she was going to the same place. Obviously, the license plate was edited.

So I hope the 30 seconds you saved were worth it. But that's probably okay for you, because you didn't even notice. So enjoy your fifteen minutes (sort of).

The real ironic part is that she has an imagine peace. Funny that many wars are started because of people who can't see further than their noses. I wonder if the irony is lost on her. And I guess she has to prove the other sticker, well behaved people don't pull out in traffic.....

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