Monday, August 17, 2009

Indianapolis - The Soldier and Sailor's Monument

About a half block from the hotel we stayed at was the Indiana Soldier and Sailor's monument and it was a pretty impressive strcture. It was built in 1902 of Indiana ooltic limestone and bronze. It stands in the very center of Indianapolis at about 284 feet tall. At one time, it was illegal to build a building taller than it but that law has since been repealed. Despite that, it is still a pretty impressive looking structure.

This is the statue lit up at night. There is a pretty nice fountain on either side.

This is another view at night.

A close up of one of the statues.

Looking up.

Another one of the statues.

Same sculpture from the other side.

Looking up from the front. The monument is dedicated to the Indiana soldiers of the Civil War, War of 1812, Mexican War and Spanish American War. There are different statues depicting these different wars.

Another view looking up.

Another one of the statues.

Looking down at the statue from the Capital building.

Looking from another angle.

The statue at the top.

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