Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Los Angeles Zoo

I had a little time to kill before my flight left, so I decided to go up to the Los Angeles Zoo (apparently I didn't have enough time to kill because I didn't account for the 2 hours it would take me to go each way). I went on sort of a whirlwind tour of the zoo, so I don't think I got to see everything. Anyways, it's a pretty nice zoo but I don't think it's as nice as the Detroit Zoo. There are too many caged animals and not enough roaming relatively free (well as free as they can roam in a zoo).

The Zoo itself is in the northeastern corner of the city and in a pretty nice area. It was about 45 miles from where I was staying.

This is from the meerkat exhibit. It is a little nicer than the Detroit one because it's outside.

This is a black neck swan.

One of the flamingos.

A seal.

An American Crocodile. If I didn't see him breathing, I'd swear he was dead.

One of the kangaroos. I think the kangaroo area in Detroit is nicer because you can walk amongst them.

Another kangaroo.

A komodo dragon.

One of the gorillas.

A zebra.

Not sure.

A Ram.

The Lion. He was moving from one sleeping spot to another. Hmmm, reminds me of a cat I know at home.

Not sure what kind of monkey this is but he was doing the same thing that alot of them were doing....sleeping.

A giraffe.

One of the Chimps. I almost need to photoshop a beer can in his hand.

A Tiger.

A peacock. Idly, I wonder if he was sponsored by NBC?

A rhino. Not sure why he is missing his horn.

Another one of the meerkats.

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