Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Night Sky

I went out to watch the Perseid Showers tonight. I was hoping to get a picture of them but that wasn't to be (didn't have a cable release). So in between the meteors coming down, I did some messing around shots with the night sky. Not the greatest pictures, but they were fun to take.

Just a shot of the stars. I was hoping that I could get one of the star trails that I always see, but you need a pretty long exposure time.

This is a shot as the moon was coming up. I like the shadows of the trees against the reddish sky.

Another shot about that time.

The moon hiding out behind the clouds.

The moon over the field and the mist over the field. Maybe a longer exposure could have made this look like day.,

The Big Dipper.

Another shot of the reddish sky.

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