Monday, September 28, 2009

The Guardian Building - Detroit

As you head up north on Woodward, one of the first buildings you encounter is the Guardian Building. It was built in 1928 and is an examble of Art Deco. It really is a pretty neat looking building.

This is looking at it from around the Coleman A Young Building.

Looking up from Woodward.

Looking at the side of the building.

This is a mural on one of the walls. It is a map of Michigan. The building has been called the Cathedral of Finance. The Mural was created by Ezra Winter. During World War II, it served as the US Army Command Center for Wartime Production.

Looking down from the mural.

The building was restored in 1986. In 2007, a deal was entered where the offices of Wayne County could be moved here. There still is a little shopping center on the ground floor.

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