Thursday, September 10, 2009

Travelling US-12 - Coldwater

Coldwater was intially started as trading posts on the Great Sauk Trail. Eventually the land was sold to the white people by Chief Topinabee in 1821. The town was later started in 1830.

These are guns from a battleship in the park along US-12.

This is an artillery piece.

This is an artillery piece from a Michigan Artillery Unit during the Civil War. It eventually became a part of the famed Loomis Battery.

This is the library in Coldwater.

This is downtown Coldwater.

This is an Opera House in Coldwater. Judging by the picture it was quite impressive looking in the day.

This was a building on one of the sidestreets.

Another view of downtown.

I liked the look of this building.

I imagine this was probably another impressive looking building in the day.

This one still looks pretty nice.

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