Monday, October 5, 2009

What the Hell is Wrong With People?

One things involved with the type of photography I like is standing on the side of roads and taking pictures. Most of the time I try to take pictures of things that look nice but as I do, I notice all the crap that people feel they need to leave on the side of the road. And then I think back to my Boy Scout days and a saying from the Native Americans, "Leave nothing but your footprints".

This was in the park where the paper company was. I guess in their defense, I didn't see too many traschcans around to throw stuff out but in that case, can't they just hold it until they get to one?

One of my favorite things to see is the orange spiral of a cigarette flying out the window of a moving car. Now, in their defense, they no longer put ashtrays in cars but can't these folks just put one of their own in rather than using Michigan as their personal ashtray? This is actually a pretty good number of butts, I've seen many more in some places.

These pictures were along the side of the road. Much like the cigarettes, some people just toss their trash out the window. Whatever happened to getting the little trash bag from AAA or whatever so that you don't have to do this? Please people...Michigan is not your fucking trash can.

Thank you.

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