Sunday, November 1, 2009

Mission San Juan Capistrano

The Mission at San Juan Capistrano was established on November 1, 1776 by Father Serra. It was named for Giovani Capistrano, a theologian from Italy. The mission has the distinction of being home to the oldest building in California still in use. The mission is also famous for the return of the swallows.

This is one of the fountains, there are koi in the pond. It looks pretty cool.

This is one of the roses on the grounds.

This is the original church built in 1797 that was destroyed in an earthquake in 1812.

One of the bells.

Another one of the bells.

This is the chapel I was mentioning. It looks really neat in person.

A statue of Mary.

One of the buildings on the grounds. It was used for storing tallow, grains, woolens and hides. In 1920, it was reconstructed where it was used as a Mission school.

A closer view of that building.

Another flower.

A view of one of the corridors.

An outside view of the corridor.

The main grounds of the mission.

Another view of that.

A cactus flower.

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