Saturday, December 19, 2009

Holiday Lights

Tonight I decided to go wandering around looking at Christmas Lights. There doesn't seem to be quite as many as when I was growing up. I'm not sure if it's because of the contentiousness of holiday light displays or the lack of money but it's a same. Ypsilanti used to have a fairly nice display. Then there used to be a display at Domino's Farms that was pretty nice. There is still a light display on Hines Drive through Livonia, but it was looking pretty nasty tonight so I decided to stay close.


This was part of a display at Concordia University which is a private Lutheran University.

These were part of a display at a Lutheran Place on Geddes Road.

This is part of the same display.

This was a display in Downtown Ann Arbor.

This is the Nickels Arcade.

One of the store windows in Nickels Arcade.

Another display.

A display at an antique shop in Nickel's Arcade.

Another display at that same shop.

Downtown Ypsi.

Another place in downtown Ypsi.

Terry Bakery in Downtown Ypsi.

Another shop in Downtown Ypsi.

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