Saturday, January 2, 2010

2009 in Restrospect

This is a good time to go over the past year. For me it is doubly so, since this blog has been up for close to a year. I thought I would post the pictures that were either my favorite or have something to do with what was going on at that time of the year.

One of my favorite structure in Ypsi is the Water Tower and this was one of my first posted last year.

This picture was posted in February and I also had it posted on the State of Michigan website.

This is a picture from March. One of my favorite spots in Michigan is the Mackinaw Bridge. Usually the shots are taken in the spring or fall, so I like this one because it makes for an unusual shot of the Bridge.

I'm a plane nut and in April I went up to the museum at Selfridge. This is an A-4 Skyhawk that is in the air park there.

This is from the Holland Tulip Festival in May.

June is a good month for baseball. I went to Greenfield Village where they play baseball by the old rules.

In July, I went to the Dayton Air Show and the Thunder Over Michigan Air Show at Willow Run. This particular shot is of the Blue Angels in Ypsilanti.

I was also in California in July. During this picture, I was harassed by some asshole who couldn't quite figure out that I was taking pictures of planes.

While this is a nice shot, that's not why it's here. This particular shot is the one that wounded my camera for a while. The folks at Canon were quick and had my camera back to me within a week and a half.

My dad and I went to the Eastern Michigan-Michigan game in September. This shot isn't very representative of the game though as Michigan blew Eastern away.

This was in early October as I went to a Tigers' game thinking they might have a chance to make the playoffs.

In November, I was back in California. This is a shot of an Aircraft Carrier.

December means Christmas. This is probably my favorite shot of the lights.

To the people that have came to my page, I want to say thanks. I hope it has been as pleasurable for you to visit here as it has been for me to make the page. I hope this year is as good as last.

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