Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dossin Great Lakes Museum

Tucked away on Belle Isle is the Dossin Great Lakes Museum. There's not alot to see except for many ship models representing the ships that plyed the Great Lakes. There is a little bit about the Edmund Fitzgerald and a few other ships. It's a pretty neat place to see because they took the pilot house from one of the freighters and you can walk around it.

This is the pilothouse of the Henry Ford II.

This is a model of the USS Niagra, one of the ships that factored in the Battle of Lake Erie.

The pilot house of the Carl Bradley.

A depiction of the Edmund Fitzgerald as she settles on the bottom of Lake Superior.

The Engine Telegraph.

A shot of the pilothouse.

A fresnel lens from a lighthouse.

A deep sea diving suit.

A stained glass window depicting LaSalle.

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