Friday, April 9, 2010

More Gallup Park Pictures

So I got myself a pretty good deal on a used lens on Amazon (Sigma 170~500mm) and I got it today and I decided to go down to Gallup Park to mess around with it. So far I am liking it although it is a little on the heavy side.

I can get close enough with this lens to actually get shots of robins, I couldn't really do that before.

Not sure what kind of duck this is but I like it.

Another shot of a robin.

A mallard.

This heron was standing across the river, this picture is cropped a bit though but still.

Another mallard.

Another kind of duck.

So far I like the lens. My only real complaint is that it doesn't have a zoom lock and has a tendency to slide out but I think I can get around that. I can't wait to do a baseball game and air show.

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