Monday, May 3, 2010

Bay City's Bald Eagle

For most of my life, I've wanted to see an eagle up close and personal. There used to be a stuffed one at the nature center when I was growing up. But that's not quite the same. I remember seeing one about an hour north of my house, but it wasn't very close. It was cool to see the one at the Detroit Zoo, but he can't fly.

So when I saw the eagle at Fish Point a couple of weeks ago, I was estatic. It was so majestic seeing him in flight (at least I assume it was a him). I was more estatic when I saw the eagle at Crosswinds Marsh, because that's not too far from my house. Then my mom told me about this one and she told me roughly how close he was to the road. It would be my chance to see one up close and personal.

So here are the pictures.

This is after minimal cropping. The eagle is nice and clear.

This is probably my favorite of the bunch.

I like this one too. It looks like she is sniffing the air.

It was a bit windy.

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