Monday, May 17, 2010

Boston Red Sox Vs. Detroit Tigers

The Red Sox were in town, so I decided to go to the game Friday night. It was a pretty nice night but a little on the chilly side. I think Comerica has finally warmed up to me and it is starting to feel like home for baseball games. Anyways, the pictures.

This is Matt Scherzer, one of the players that came here during the trade of Granderson. He was supposed to be the solid part of the trade and so far hasn't seemed to be that way.

This is Dustin Pedroia connecting for a home one (one of Boston's many this game).

This is David Ortiz connecting for a home run (one of his two).

This is Johnny Damon who came to Detroit under free agency. He's always been on of my favorite players as he can hit and run well although he's lost of a bit of speed over the years.

This is Magglio Ordonez a good player who hopefully has some good years still.

I can't figure out which Boston player this is (nor do I particuarly care).

Tom Brookens is now one of the base coaches. He was one of the Tigers' players on the team that won the 1984 World Series.

This is Austin Jackson who also came here in the Granderson trade. He's been showing alot of promise. But he's still a rookie so I expect his numbers to taper off a bit.

This is Brandon Inge, a very solid player defensively. Not quite so solid at the bat.

This is Kevin Youklis swinging for the fences.

And this is Austin Jackson robbing him.

This is Brad Thomas, one of the Tiger relievers. He's from Australia.

This is Clay Bucholz, the Boston starting pitcher, he had a pretty good game.

This is Miguel Cabrera, Tigers' first baseman. Normally a pretty solid player who puts up pretty good numbers. This time, no so.

This is Scott Sizemore. Hopefully his numbers will pick up.

This is Laird. A pretty solid catcher behind the plate but not so solid at the plate.

And Miguel Cabrera catching an out.

The Tigers ended up losing this game 7-2 but they beat Boston in the other two games, so it's good.

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