Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Empire Builder - Part 2 - North Dakota

The next morning found me awaking in North Dakota. So we passed through Western Minnesota and parts of Eastern North Dakota during the night. If what I saw of North Dakota was any indication, it was probably a good thing. Anyways...

The first place where I had enough light to take pictures was as we were passing through Devil's Lake, North Dakota. This is a picture of the station.

This was one of the trains from the station.

I forget what station this was, but it was one of the longer stop stations and it gave me a chance to take a picture of the train in the daylight. the guy in the white shirt pointing up was the Car Handler and he was pretty awesome.

One thing that North Dakota had alot of was cows.

Apparently it also has alot of oil.

As we got towards Western North Dakota, I started to see alot of formations like this and they were pretty neat. I may post some more pictures later.

As I was looking out the window, I saw these cows in a nice line and it was odd, so I took a picture of it.

The Empire Builder used to be run by Great Northern before they got absorbed by other companies and also before Amtrak pretty much took over passenger service in the US. This is one of the steam locomotives they used to use. This was at the Williston station (or maybe Stanley). This was pretty much the last point in North Dakota.

Montana is next.

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