Monday, June 7, 2010

Coast Starlight - Part 2 - Oregon

Continuing on the Coast Starlight and heading through Oregon.

It seemed like much of Oregon would have been like this. Mostly farmland but there were quite a few mountains in the background. This is more towards the north end of Oregon.

This is the train station in Salem Oregon. I'm not sure if it is a new station or a renovated one but it looks pretty nice. The train was running a little behind schedule so we didn't have a long stop here.

This is the train station in Eugene Oregon. Again we didn't have much time to stop.

A Union Pacific engine in the train yard.

I'm not sure what river we were passing by but I really liked this scene. Again, I don't get to see too many mountains in my neck of the woods.

The same river but a little further down.

Passing by a river.

Looking out at another group of mountains. I like the fact that there was still snow on them.

A more overall view of the mountains.

Another mountain. I liked the snow and the granite cliff face.

I liked this one because of the clouds shrouding the mountain.

Another cliff face.

Unfortunately, it was getting late and I wasn't able to get too many pictures which was a shame because it was starting to get nice.

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