Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Giants Versus the Diamondbacks

After several highlights of my visit to San Francisco, probably my favorite was going to the baseball game. If you didn't figure it out by now, I love baseball and try to take the opportunity to go to a game when possible. Since I was in San Francisco and the Giants were in town, I decided to go the game.

I come from an American League city. My favorite team is an American League team, so it is a treat to watch a National League game because they dispense with the stupid commie rule. Anyways....

This is the infamous McCovey cove where the balls go into the water after a home run.

A shot of the scoreboard.

Exchanging the lineup cards.

This is Matt Cain.

This is Edwin Jackson who used to play for the Tigers until he was traded as part of the Granderson deal.

Sliding into second.

A hit.

Another shot of Cain.

It was a pretty good game and I got to see a one hitter by the Giants pitcher. They won 5-0. AT&T Park is a pretty nice stadium.

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