Saturday, June 12, 2010

Union Station - Chicago

Back in Union Station in Chicago. It was Memorial Day, so it was a madhouse. Because of this, we got to leave from the original Union Station portion of the train station. When Amtrak took over, they consolidated all the stations in Chicago into one station. And they built a new portion. The Metra lines pretty much use the old part. So I don't normally get to see this part.

I love the architecture in here. The nice columns.

Looking up at the columns.

The people waiting to get back to Michigan.

One of the statues.

Because of the fact that many railroads ran through Chicago and each of them built their own station, Chicago had 7 stations at one time. This is a list of them.

These are the stairs famous in The Untouchables.

A lamp.

Since the next part of the trip was passing through familiar territory, I decided to give my camera a break. So that's pretty much it.

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