Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Bay City Fireworks

I don't know how long Bay City has been making a big deal out of the fireworks but it has been a while (I'd say at least 20 years but possibly longer) anyways, it seems like every year it keeps getting better and better. This year was no exception. Sadly, I'm still getting used to taking pictures of fireworks, so they aren't the greatest. I kind of wish I'd moved somewhere else so I could get a building or something in the pictures but oh well. Anyways....

This is a plane that was towing a banner. Since it is a plane and I'm a plane nut, I had to get a picture of it.

These were the back of some guy. The fireworks seem to attract a different sort of crowd.

This is the hood on a car next to where I was watching the fireworks. This was a group of people that do custom cars.

A shot of City Hall which is one of my favorite buildings.

The fireworks.

This is probably my favorite shot of the set because of the amount of stuff going on.

This is another of my favorites.

I like this one alot too because it looks nearly abstract.

And this is part of the finale.

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