Friday, July 2, 2010

St. Joseph Lighthouse

So my tour continued up the west coast of Michigan. My next stop would be the lighthouse of St. Joseph. I was here last year but it is a beautiful lighthouse and I figured since I was driving by it anyway, I might as well stop and take a few pictures.

There was a shore lighthouse here sometime before 1850 until the pier was built and the current lighthouse was built. In the early 1900's, the pier was lengthened and the second lighthouse was added turning this into a range lighthouse system.

These still have their fresnel lenses and are still in use.

A shot of the main lighthouse. It has a catwalk leading out to it as the seas can get pretty rough in this area.

Looking up at the tower.

The other lighthouse.

Looking up at the tower of the other lighthouse.

A shot of the lighthouse from the beach.

A shot of both lighthouses from the beach.

A shot of the other lighthouse from the beach.

Range lighthouses are used to tell if you are correctly aligned with the channel. If you are in the right position, the lights should be right above each other.

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