Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Alpheus Williams

Alpheus Williams was born in Deep River, Connecticut in 1810. In 1934, he received his law degree from Yale University and 2 years later he settled in Detroit Michigan where he was a lawyer. In 1842, he was elected probate judge of Detroit and in 1843, he was appointed President of the Bank of St. Clair and he ran a newspaper from 1849 to 1853.

From 1936, participated in the Michigan Militia (kind of like the National Guard...not like the current version) and was appointed a Lieutenant to serve in the Mexican American war but was too late to see any action. In 1859, he was a major in the Detroit Light Guard.

When the Civil War broke out, he was in charge of the training of the first volunteers from Michigan and was then promoted to Brigadier General. He participated in the many of the major battles of the Civil War and played a key role in the Battle of Gettysburg.

After the war, he served in many roles including Congressman from the 1st Congressional District. He died in 1878.

I kind of like this statue. It is very low key for a statue of a General and from what I've read, it sounds like he was a pretty low key General.

I really like this picture.

He almost reminds me of Bradley.

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