Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Matthei Botanical Gardens

The Matthei Botanical Gardens are nestled in between Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti on Dixboro Road. They have a building that you can go in where you can see flowers all year round. They also have a pretty nice flower garden outside. I didn't do any photographing today so I decided to head over there.

I'm not sure what kind of flower this is, but I do like the purples and pinks of it. I also like out the center just stands out.

I like the color arrangement on this one too.

This one is probably my favorite of the series. The variations of purples and pinks set off against the green background.

This is another one I like.

This is another flower I'm not sure about but I see them almost everywhere. I liked this picture because of the depth of the flowers.

This is the pavillion in the flower gardens. I liked how the light was bouncing off it, so I took a picture of it. I also like the little garden in front of it.

This is an Ivy flower, I think.

Another shot of the flower garden. It almost looks like a field of wildflowers.

1 comment:

  1. I was curious about this place as I have passed by. Interesting! In fact it appears to be very lovely. Excellent photographs.

    /s/ Professor Irwin Corey
