Sunday, August 8, 2010

Thunder Over Michigan 2010 - Part 2

This is the start of the air show.

It was pretty cool, they had a parachutist jump out of the Yankee Lady, the Yankee Air Force's B-17. Shortly after that, she unfurled this American Flag.

The first group performing was a group of pilots that flew P-51's. It was pretty need to see P-51's in a formation.

This was as they were going up into a loop.

As they were passing by.

Passing by in another angle.

Breaking up the formation.

This was one of the B-17's sitting out on the field. It would go up later.

One of the P-51's after it landed.

Another of the P-51's.


  1. Jealous of your pictures I am. I threw a bunch of the ones we took from Saturday up on my new blog I made if you want to check them out. I forgot to get some contact info or anything for you we could have hooked up at the show. It was a great show but I was surprised by the overall lack of things flying. There was a lot more there that could have flown but didn't. Also the B52 "flyby" was kind of pathetic as it was just that a flyby and no other passes.

  2. I missed out on the flyby but I thought I would see it from my apartment, it must have went further south or something. There was enough flying things, the show went from noon to roughly 3:30 which is about the same time frame as the Dayton Air Show. Although, I'm not sure the Willow Run show was worth the 10 bucks more but I think the difference is because Willow Run needs to build a new museum.

    Next year's show should be better because they'll have the Blue Angels.

  3. I like the WW2 shows much better than when they pack people in like sardines due to the Angels being there. Was disappointed that the Migs, B-25s, or the Corsair didn't fly for the show. The Yankee 25 was giving rides but it never did a show pass. Add another hour to the show and they could have had everything fly and would have left everyone satisfied.
