Monday, August 9, 2010

Thunder Over Michigan - Static Displays

These are some pictures of the static displays. I didn't get too many because of the people that were around them. Especially the jackasses that would look, see the camera and still walk in front. Anyways....

This is as they were rolling the B-17 to another spot.

The B-17 as it passes by.

Because of the people, I was trying for odd angles. This is looking up at the cockpit of a B-17.

They were letting people walk around in the DC-7. This is a shot of the cockpit.

The propellor and engine of a PT-17.

The KC-10 Extender Tanker.

An F-16 Fighting Falcon.

The front of the F-16. This is probably one of the cooler looking planes out there. Even on the ground it looks dangerous.

An A-10 Warthog from Selfridge.

The front of the A-10 and it's big gun.

A KC-135 which is based on the 707 Fuselage.

1 comment:

  1. A good shot would have been to get the KC-135 and the KC-10 in the same frame. Show the size difference between the old (135) and the new (10). I had never seen a KC-10 on the ground and it's bloody massive.
