Monday, September 13, 2010

Tahquamenon Falls in September

After the Bridge, we continued on to the Falls for the other part of my 12 month series. The trees were starting to show more hints of color the further up north we got but they still aren't full bloom. I expect that will be for another couple of weeks. The Falls are still showing a bit of flow so they are still pretty impressive. This year has been a good year for the Falls as it's been fairly rainy.

The first station I come to at the Falls. It's kind of nice that there is already some foilage in the front so I can give an idea of the passing of the seasons. Pretty soon these trees will be full of color.

Another shot using a faster shutter speed to freeze the falls.

The next point on my rounds near the Falls. This was shot using a slower shutter speed to give the illusion of motion.

Same shot with faster shutter speed.

The other point of my rounds of the Falls. This is probably one of the better locations for shooting the falls. The only really better spot is if you go down to the brink or the gorge. But unfortunately, time is of the essence so I didn't walk down to either of those.

A shot pulled back to give a view of the trees around the falls. You can see a couple spots where there is color.

And a shot at a higher shutter speed.

So far it has been nice to do this project although it is tiring to drive up to the Falls every month. I can't wait until the project is finished so that I can do a comparison of the Falls through the year.

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