Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Burton Memorial Tower in October

This also is part of my 12 Month series. As with the Union, I was hoping that there would be more color in the trees. Unfortunately, that wasn't to be. There was enough to give a hint that it is fall. I'm guessing that if I go back in a couple weeks, there might be more color.

Looking towards the tower as you approach from the Diag.

This picture is from across the street.

Looking up at the tower.

Looking up at the tower from the angle. This is rapidly becoming my favorite view of the Tower.

Looking up at the tower from the other side.

This picture was taken from a reflection on one of the doors from Rackham Hall. I really like the effect.

As the sun was setting lower, the tower takes on a purplish color.

I like this one because of the pinks in the sky.

And even more of a purplish color.


  1. Did you know that one of the University Regents committed suicide by falling backwards out of one of the windows? It happened in the 80's when I was a student there. Rather gruesomely, the concrete where she hit was stained with her blood for quite a while after the incident. The east side of the tower, if I remember correctly.

  2. Somehow that doesn't suprise me.
