Sunday, October 3, 2010

Crisp Point Lighthouse

This is rapidly becoming my favorite lighthouse in the State of Michigan. It is a pain to get to but I think that is part of the charm. It reminds me of one of those lighthouses you see on the East Coast in Cape Cod or Maine, a nice rocky shore in a desolate area. The fact that we can point and say, "Yeah, well we have one of those in Michigan too" makes it that much cooler.

This is a shot of the lighthouse as you first come to the parking lot.

This is a shot I took because of the color of the trees in front of it.

This is a shot that is example of what I talked about in the introduction to this set of pictures. You have the nice rocky shore and the desolate looking place. Add in the gray clouds in the sky and you almost have Maine but nicer.

I think this is the picture of the series. I looked up at the lighthouse as I was putting my camera away and noticed how the light was reflecting off the glass. So I had to have this picture. The intense white of the tower itself is a bonus. You can almost imagine the light is still in the tower.

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