Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Mackinac Bridge in October

Wow, it's hard to believe that is October already. It seems like it was not too long ago that I started this project. I guess time flies when you're having fun or something like that. Anyways, I wanted to catch the Bridge and Falls on this weekend because I was afraid that if I waited, I might not catch the colors in the pictures. Well juding by the empty trees in some spots, my guess was about correct.

The colors near the bridge aren't so prominent but that's okay, you can still see another season.

This is my shot with some vegetation in the front. You can see some hints of browns in the grasses.

The shot of the Bridge with my tree in front of it. You can definately see some hints of color in the tree.

Unfortunately, I didn't get the leaves in this shot but I still like it.

A better shot with a tree in front.

Just a shot of the bridge itself. It was pretty windy but not too bad as long as the wind wasn't blowing.

This is one of my favorite angles of the Bridge. You get to see it in tis glory. I liked this shot because of the clouds in the picture plus the light seemed a little softer than usual.

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