Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Detroit Zoo...Again

It's been a while since I'd been to the Zoo, so I decided to head up to the zoo today. It wasn't too bad except that it was cloudy which meant I didn't have alot of light for some exhibits but it made for a softer light, so I guess it wasn't too bad. I really like going to the zoo in the colder months of the year because the animals are more active and there are less people.

This is the Marshall Fredericks statue as you enter the Zoo. I never really noticed before how many of his statues are there. You can see examples of many of these statues at Saginaw Valley State University.

This is a vulture of some sort. I kind of liked this shot.

An Alpaca.

I think this is an emu. I seriously wish that Eastern Michigan would have called itself the emus instead of the Eagles. It would have been unique.

A shot of the bald eagle. I had my long lens so I could get closeup shots. It's cool that the zoo has these eagles but they look much nicer in the wild.

This is another eagle they have. Apparently it is a younger eagle that hit a power line and can not fly. I guess it's amazing that it is still alive.

Another shot of the eagle. I kind of like this pose because it reminds me of the classic pose you see on many American things.

A deer of some sort.

One of the prarie dogs, he almost looks like he's saying, "What you looking at?"

Gathering grass for a nest, I think.

One of the meerkats. These are one of my favorite animals to watch.

A shot of the meerkat in the classic pose.

A Rhino.

One of the Lionesses. The Detroit Zoo now has two of these. It's amazing how many characteristics my cat shares.

A shot of the lion. I think he's bummed that his football namesakes keep humiliating him.

A Pea-hen.

One of the gorillas. I'm not sure how many gorillas the zoo has but they are pretty neat.

Another of my favorite exhibits is the Tiger exhibit. This shot looks like he is saying, "You know if this fence wasn't between us...."

The other tiger.

A shot of the tiger's head.

One of the chimps. I noticed a baby chimp but I couldn't get a good shot of it.

An artic fox.

The Polar Bear. The Detroit Zoo has a pretty impressive artic exhibit. It covers a good chunk of the zoo and has seals, the artic foxes and the polar bears. I think they have two polar bears.

I really wanted to see the wolverines but both of them were sleeping.

Another shot of the sleeping wolverine.


  1. Awesome. I love zoos. Might have to drag the family to Detroit sometime.

  2. You should come up during the fall or spring, that is when the animals are most active.

  3. I'm going to go on record as saying that it's a rhea, not an emu. Emus have less "feathery" feathers, if that makes any sense.

  4. Thank you. I was actually not sure what kind of bird it was.
