Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Some Buildings in Detroit

I had a little time to walk around Detroit, well at least around the area around the Renaissance Center Area. This is a pretty nice area and around 5 there is actually some degree of hustle and bustle.

This is looking down Jefferson Avenue from the Mariner's Church. The first building is the One Jefferson Building. The other building is the 150 Jefferson Place.

This is the Guardian Building which will soon by occupied by the offices of Wayne County. It is a pretty nice builiding and there are some cool details on the inside.

This is a better shot of the One Jefferson Building.

This is the Coleman A. Young city building. It houses the city offices.

Another shot of the 150 Jefferson Building.

The Comerica Building.

The Ren Cen.

This is the Cadillac Apartments.

This is the Compuware Office building. It was built in the early 2000's and is a big part of some of the revitalization of the downtown area.

I don't remember what building this is.

One of the things I try to avoid is taking pictures of the decay in Detroit. There are plenty of websites and blogs that do that. I think Detroit can be a vital city again but I do agree with some of the proposals out there to scale back some of the city and get some density back. Anyways, off my soapbox.

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