Sunday, December 12, 2010

Depot Town in the Winter

So my travels took me down to Depot Town. As you can see, it was still snowing and it was getting colder especially when the wind was blowing. But I wanted some shots of Depot Town.

This is a shot of the block with Aubrees. I really like the old time looking clock they put up.

This was from a different angle.

This is looking down towards Sidetracks.

The Ypsilanti Auto Museum. I like the fact that it features the Hudson.

This is the old Michigan Central Depot. I heard a rumor that they might get some money to renovate it so that it can be used by Amtrak. It would be cool if it would be restored to its original condition.

Another angle of the Depot.

These are a couple of the building. I kind of like the color set off agaist the dreariness.

This is a shot looking towards the west.

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