Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Ride Home

I'm sitting on the plane now on my way to Minneapolis. This may be a first for me where I actually post while I am travelling and can attach pictures. Twenty years ago when I first discovered a corner of the internet called Usenet, I never thought I would be using that medium to post pictures and highlight my travels. Well here I am. Heck, I didn't even think I'd be posting pictures then because a digital camera was a glimmer in someone's eyes and pictures on the net were rare. Nor did I think I would be able to post from anywhere. So here I am at 30,000 feet updating my blog.

So this is the Delta Airbus 319 that will take me from relatively sunny and warm California to not so sunny or warm Minneapolis. From there, I will catch another plane and before I know it, I will be landing at the McNamara Terminal and soon after that, I will be back in the shadow of the Water Tower.
As I think I may have mentioned in other posts, one of my traditions when flying is to take a picture of the plane that will take me to wherever I am going. When I get home, I will have a ton of pictures from the airport.

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