Friday, December 10, 2010

Some Pics from the Law Quad

I took today off because I had to drop my cat off at the clinic, while they were working on him, I decided to grab lunch and wander down to Ann Arbor because it was a beautiful day today. I started out at the Law Quad and then worked my way around campus.

I'd have to say that the Law Quad is probably one of my favorite parts of the campus. The architecture is fantastic. The buildings are very cool looking.

This is one of the "gargoyles". These are probably my favorite part of the law quad.

This is another gargoyle.

I saw this one and I thought it was pretty cool with the ice dripping off it. This particular one is a football player.

Another angle of the ice colming off the gargoyle.

The front entrance of the law library.

The interior of the library.

The law dormitories. As you can see there was snow on the ground.

Another one of the gargoyles.

The last of the gargoyles for the day.

I had some other pictures but the sun was directly behind the main building so it didn't turn out that well.

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