Sunday, December 19, 2010

Twelve Months of the Michigan Union

My next project was twelve months worth of photographs of the Michigan Union. In many ways this was more of a challenge than the Mackinac Bridge because it was so close and it always seemed like I had plenty of time to do my shots.

This is my shot from January. This series of shots didn't quite have the effect I was looking for because the seasons don't show up on buildings too well. So I tried for shots where there was some vegetation. The statues made for a nice thing for that.

One of the other problems is that I work which means I have evenings and weekends to do this. Generally I'm doing other things on the weekend, so it leaves evenings. During the winter months it gets dark too early, so I had a few night shots.

This is a shot in April. I started to pull out on some of my shots to show the grounds. Here you can see some snow on the ground.

A fuller shot for April.

This is my shot from May. It was raining that do. I would have used another day to do this but I kind of liked the effect on the lens, so I kept it.

My shot from June. The vegetation is pretty full.

My shot from July.

My shot from August. This is probably my favorite angle of the building.

My shot in September. The students return.

My shot in October. It was too early in the month to see the colors.

This was taken as I was heading back from a football game. And this is November. The leaves are all gone.

This is my shot from December. If I had waited a couple days, I could have had a ton of snow on the ground.

As I said, this was fun but challenging. It presented a different set of challeges from the Bridge series. I do like how it turned out but if I were going to do it again, I'd probably have more of the shots pulled out to show the seasons better.

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