Sunday, January 23, 2011

Eagles, Ducks, Geese and a Hawk

And of course, I had to go visit the eagles.

This is one of the immature eagles.

I think this is a three or four year old eagle. His head isn't quite fully white.

As I was looking around the trees, I noticed this hawk.

I was able to catch the hawk in flight.

Another shot of the hawk in flight.

This is another one of the immature eagles.

Another slightly older eagle.

A group of eagles.

A pair of eagles in flight.

My mom told me about another place where there was an eagle. So I caught a picture of this guy.

There was some open water, and there were ducks there.

Another shot of a duck in flight.

And another duck in flight.

I think these are snow geese.

Another shot of the geese.

A pair of ducks.

I think this is a domestic duck that must have hooked up with the other ducks.

The duck in the water.


  1. I wonder if the water seems cold to the duck.

  2. I guess the duck would have to know what cold is, right.
