Sunday, January 16, 2011

Nichols Arbortetum in January

For one of my other 12 month projects, I decided to do 12 months of the Nichols Arboretum. Although for this set of pictures, I didn't start by the flower garden they have but this is the part I'm probably most familiar with.

The Nichols Arboretum was designed in 1906 and many of the plantings began in the 1920s and 1930s. The University of Michigan runs it and tries to keep it as close to natural as possible. It is sometimes referred to as "The Arb".

The north end of the Arboretum is bordered by the Huron River.

It actually looks kind of cool in the winter.

This is one of the railroad bridges.

This swan caught my eye because of the ice on his back.

This caught my eye because of the snow on the branches.

As did this one.

There is a stand of pine trees in the park. I actually really like this spot.

I think this is probably one of the neatest parts of the arb. It is a prarie set up to resemble how it would have been before this area was settled. They use controlled burns to maintain it the way nature would have.

I liked how the snow lined this.

A pair of swans.

I liked the patterns on this sheet of ice.

Another swan.

Another shot of the Huron River.