Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Ypsilanti Water Tower

Today's photo shoot was How low can you go? Make a photograph today from a low point of view.
I didn't have to think about today's shot too much as when I take building pictures normally, I try to get the perspective where I am looking up at them. So today's subject is the Water Tower in Ypsilanti.

This is probably the fairly typical shot of the Water Tower. Pretty much straight on and as you can see it is a pretty distinctive structure. I've talked about this tower before but it was built in 1889. It stands at 147 feet tall and is 85 feet at the base. It can hold 250,000 gallons of water.

This is a shot looking up at the top. I probably have several like this. Legend has it that if a virgin ever graduates from Eastern Michigan University, the tower will collapse. Another legend states that this is the burial spot of Paul Bunyan.

In front of the tower is a statue of General Demitrius Ypsilanti who the town is named after. He managed to hold up a group of Turks as the Greeks tried win independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1821. I decided to take this shot looking up.

This is the typical angle of the statue.

This is looking east towards the tower.

Another shot looking up at the tower but not at such an extreme angle.

Same here.

Another shot looking west.

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