Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hope for the Best...But Prepare for the Worst

So today's assignment was: We all prepare for things every day. Illustrate preparedness in a photograph today. I had about the same attitude towards this one that I had towards the plug one but then I got to thinking. For some reason, I've wanted to take picture of the fire extinguishers anyway, so this provided a good opportunity.

We prepare for many things in life. School is preparation for the rest of our lives. We will save money for a rainy day. We will save food in case the weather is such that we are stuck in side. We also prepare for emergencies.

Throughout our building, we have fire extinguishers although hopefully we will never have to use them.

It's also a good idea to know your exits.

I kind of liked this sign.

And the ever present first aid stuff.

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