Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ice Fisherman

Sort of by request, I decided to take some pictures of ice fishermen. Since the weather has been pretty cold, the Saginaw River has pretty much completely frozen over. So this gave me some opportunities to get some pictures of ice fishermen.

A couple of fishermen heading back in and a group heading out.

The group heading out.

It may be fun, but it looks cold. I would imagine the fishing is pretty good though.

These aren't quite ice shanties though. I'm not sure how many people do this in the winter, but I think it is pretty big. Further up north, there is the Tip Up Town Festival which attracts a few people. Quite honestly, I'm content to watch it from the shore.

1 comment:

  1. It's a start. Oh, and you wouldn't be able to get me out in that weather to take pictures of anything unless it was actual alien abduction footage or maybe Bigfoot. So, kudos to you. Here is an old article in the NY Times about ice fishing maniacs:
