Friday, February 18, 2011

Michigan Vs. Western Michigan - Hockey

So I decided to go to the Michigan Hockey game again tonight. They were playing Western Michigan in the second to last home game of the season so I figured it ought to be a good one. As of tonight's game, Michigan was 1 point behind Notre Dame for first in the CCHA.

Kevin Clare during the warmup skates. Sometimes I like to get to the games early to catch the practice drills. It often gives me a chance to get some decent shots. Unfortunately, I was behind the net for this game so you will see the netting in most of my shots. Although, when I look at it, it's not too bad.

Another thing I like about hockey is the Zamboni.

The players just before the National Anthem.

Greg Patteryn moving down the ice.

This is Scooter Vaughn scoring a goal right after he got out of the penalty box. It was a pretty cool play and I could almost see this happening as it was getting set up.

A.J. Treais moving down the ice.

Chris Brown slamming one of the Western players against the boards.

A.J. Treais advancing the puck again.

David Wohlberg about to let off a pass.

One of the Western players just before he shoots the first Western goal.

Hunwick making one of his saves.

Carl Hagelin moving the puck in on the zone.

This was Western's second goal. Fortunately, Michigan had 4 goals at this point although I hate to see the team I'm watching give up goals like that.

A.J. Treais coming in on the play.

Scooter Vaughn setting up a play.

Louie Caporusso bringing the puck out of the defensive zone.

David Wohlberg just after a pass.

I'm not sure what Western player this is, but I did like the shot.

Luke Moffat crashing one of the Western players into the boards.

One of the Western players advancing the puck out.

Matt Rust as he's about to get dumped by one of the Western players. (Thanks Anonymous poster for your assist).

I don't know how this puck didn't go in the net. Michigan had the goalie all about beat but somehow the puck stayed out.

The Western goalie making another save.

The team celebrating after the victory.

Another one of my favorite traditions, the post game handshake. I kind of wish we would see this more often in professional sports. I think the only professional sport you see this in is the NHL during the playoffs after the last game of a series.

The final score. Michigan won 6 to 3.

1 comment:

  1. GREAT job! I love the shots.

    One note: "Louie Caporusso as he's about to get dumped." That one should be Matt Rust, I can tell by the skates, haha, #19 not #29.
