Friday, February 4, 2011

More Shots of a Random Barn

So I decided to head over to the barns I took pictures of a couple weeks ago. I figured they would be good subjects for these assignments as well. Plus it was a little brighter out, so I might have a better chance to get pictures of them.

I thought this one showede some degree of depth. It's not bad but not quite.

I just like this shot. The dilipidated barn and the snow.

Same with this shot. Maybe if the tree weren't in the way, there'd be some depth.

I like the color of the sky in this one.

I just like the angle.

I think this one shows some depth and a good deal of the sky. Sadly, there weren't many clouds in the sky for a spectacular sunset.

I think this one shows depth.

This one has the depth effect I was looking for. You can almost see the 3 dimensions of the barn.

1 comment:

  1. I love old structures like this. It's something we do not have here.

    If you really want to make a statement, get some pictures of the little ice-fishing houses on your frozen lakes. I actually wanted to do a whole book on the fishing shacks up there. I find the culture of those shacks to be darned interesting.
