Sunday, February 27, 2011

Nichols Arboretum in February

So I decided to go out and do my Arboretum shot for February today and it was a good thing because I don't have too many days left to do it. It was actually fairly warm so it wasn't too bad. The snow was packed down quite a bit so it wasn't too bad walking around although it was slippery in a few places.

A shot looking down the Huron River. As you can see, the ice is almost gone at this point although I think there are other spots on the Huron that still are covered in ice.

Looking down towards the Hospital.

One of the trees with the River as a backdrop.

A stand of pine trees. This is probably one of my favorite spots in the Arb. It is fairly quiet once you get back here.

A spruce tree.

Looking up at one of the pine trees.

Some Birch trees. These are another one of my favorite trees.

This is what a prairie would have looked like about 100 years ago (minus the house in the background of course). They try to manage the prarie in the same way that nature would do it.

Lots of people walk their dogs through the park.

I kind of liked the look of this shot.

Same with this one.

You can see a little bit of ice behind the rock.

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