Sunday, February 27, 2011

Survival Flight

The Arboretum is pretty close to the Michigan Hospital. The parking lot I use passes right by the landing pads for the helicopters. Every so often I get to see them take off.

As I was walking back to my car, I heard the helicopter starting its warm up. As I got close enough I saw it start to take off. Fortunately, I had my big lens on the camera so I was able to get a picture. Unfortunately it was through the trees but I kind of like it.

It lifted up above the trees and started to turn, so it gave me a pretty good shot.

And another good shot as it headed towards its destination.


  1. Good stuff! I always liked watching the Survival Flights crossing the skies over North Campus.

  2. Not that I wanted to, but I got to ride in one of these with my son. Some time, I'd like to ride in one when I'm not so distracted!! Bless the crew for taking on that job. It can't be easy. Like their t-shirts say, "Our best day at work is your worst day."

  3. I would love to take a ride in a helicopter but not necessarily this one. I have the utmost respect for the pilots that carry out this job because I can't imagine they fly under the best circumstances at times.

  4. Excellent photos. We had a copter flying overhead today with a loud speaker with a BOLO alert. We were supposed to look for a male hispanic, approx. 5'8", dark hair, white t shirt and jeans. A description that fits about 40% of our local male population.
