Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Zappa Update

Todays' assignment was to fill the frame of a photograph with a single subject today. So I decided that would give me a good chance to do a Zappa update since I didn't really feel like wandering around too much in order to get a picture with the nasty weather and all. Anyways, here are the pics.

In order to fill the frame, I decided to do an extreme closeup on his face. I kind of wanted to catch him sleeping, but that is tricky as sometimes he can be a pretty light sleeper.

He laid back down, so I decided to get a shot of him looking up at particularly nothing.

This is almost the look of death.

And then I decided to do an odd shot of just half his face and his ear. This is the ear that had the problems about 2 months ago. It is finally healed although it doesn't look quite like his other ear but it looks better than it could have looked.

Another shot of just his face.

This is a pretty typical pose for him. Sometimes he lays on his back.

A closeup of his face. You can see his normal ear vs his not so normal ear. As I said, it doesn't look too bad.


  1. Zappa is pretty good looking! I think he was tiring of the photography!!!!

  2. Well tomorrow is snow drifts, I think...

  3. I want to hug him. Stick him in a box and mail him to me. He is adorable. Okay, so I sound like a crazy cat lady. (he is soooo cute.) Glad his ear is better.

  4. Nope you can't have him....He's my fuzzball....
